Executive Summary: Work in progress on SOSN Season 1.
Next Zoom: - September 7
1: Past Meeting Details
2: Next Zoom Discussion - July 20th 5p-7p
3: Agenda/Timeline Forward
4: C&C - Productions
5: 6D Brand
6: Production & Operation Notes
7: Finance & Technology Notes
8: 6D Community Initiatives
1: Past Meeting Details
June 8th Zoom Meet 5p-7p CST
Attendees: Denise Smolarek; Lennie
I: Discussion for Executive Team:
A: Originality: SOSN first drama-sitcom hybrid format
B: Program Length: Between 45m - 65m (variable lengths per episode)
C: Target Audience: Universal - Those who wish to enjoy a moderately intellectually
stimulating/engaging program with substantive underlying premises - yet simultaneously
view a comfortable, relaxing program that doesn't demand too much attention to detail.
D: Characters: Johann [Possibly German via Turkish descent] "Modern" Immigration of leisure
& preference rather than necessity. Accent distinctly German, but authentic & natural.
Brings a cultural practicality to juxtapose American animation & whimsicality *Summary
notes on a few characters can be found at the end of the SOSN Pilot Concept Script.
E: Brand Integration: Coordinated agenda between Finance & Creative (Potential Brand
Alliances: Radio Station (s); Tourist Sites (e.g. Navy Pier; Museums; Galleries); City of
Chicago/Tourism; Chicago Business Networks; Restaurants; Bars; Stores; Commercial Sites;
Residential Sites; Charity; Etc. [By Episode/Season/Series]
F: Target Purchaser
II: Programs Compared & Contrasted with SOSN
A: Ted Lasso - Broader story arc of family trauma i) lending both premise & depth to
scenes/contexts; ii) "excusing" & even complementing certain points of otherwise raw,
distasteful or non-PC humor/dialogue/perceptions; Each season different (DTS prefers
Season 1); Characters so deeply & thoroughly fleshed out that program is approachable for
non-sports viewers
B: Gilmore Girls - Witty banter; stimulating pace & rhythm; humorous (not necessary to catch
every joke); Works because characters are intelligent, sincere & so relationships ring true
C: That 70's Show - Period Piece; Suspension of reality but within context & rules; has integrity
D: Are You Being Served?
E: Golden Girls
F: Frasier - Significance of "Straight Man" role(s);
G: Keeping Up Appearances
III: SOSN Pilot Script Notes
A: Are streaming vs. Network TV audiences open to new drama-sitcom hybrid format or is
tried & true preferable?
B: Jokes can be more fresh & original.
C: Script should not "chase jokes"/Develop calmer more anchoring/establishing
D: Constricted by formatting vs. a nod to classic sitcom structure/format?
E: Does radio personality misogyny read as outdated? Acceptable as building premise for
future plot development with this character?
F: Include more build-up to Emily being fed up & quitting job.
G: Include more realistic premise/context for store Inventory (Add lines making the following
more explicit)
i: Emily's Nanna had large antique collection that Emily inherited but never
'accessed'/'claimed'. Emily has some of her own pieces. Mother Margret has some
"legitimately obtained??" pieces (Joke: Or knows where to find some quick). Louise
used to be an antique book dealer, and has thousands of original/vintage prints. Chip's
uncle had an antique store & has plenty of "inventory" as does Chip by way of his
enormous antique coin, baseball card & comic book collection. Peters has some
antique art & Mariah (and her parents) have large collection of antique jewelry.
IV: Production/Operations
A: Navy Pier Substitutions
B: Intimacy Coordinator
V: Potential Casting
A: Emily - Vivian Lee https://www.imdb.com/name/nm13787386/
B:Yolanda - Loes Vanden Eynde?
C: Margret - [Flexible/Dancer/Athletic]
D: Jamieson - [Haughtiness; Aloof from family (but still a solid husband/father)
E: Ollie - [Girl or Boy; Casting/Directing/Actor displays character is bright enough to know
not to let cat out of bag regarding drinking champagne & driving with father, but haughty
enough to feel that he/she can manage the fall out from mom at this point & so can speak
freely of the champagne/driving - Jamieson's own haughtiness adapted in his child comes
back to bite him...]
J. Brixton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSbBnZQ-Scc/
Novalie https://www.backstage.com/u/lynda-jones/
Caleb Green https://www.backstage.com/u/caleb-green/
F: WKSCRP - (Actual Radio Personality?/Brand Integration with Radio Station?)
G: Jeff - Jeff A Smith?
H: Brynn - Brynn Beveridge? https://brynnbeveridge.wixsite.com/mysite
I: Peters - Robert Rensin? https://www.backstage.com/u/robert-rensin/
J: Herbert: (A Non-Actor that I met?)
K: _______ - Julie Mitre (Recurring Character? One-time Appearance? Ambience Cast?)
June 15th Zoom Meet 6p-7p CST
Attendees: Denise Smolarek; Lennie
I: Current socio-political climate
A: misogyny modernized
II: Antique Stores as home anchor
A: informally multi-purposed as a socialized hangout-"home"
June 22nd: Zoom 5p-7p CST
Attendees: Denise Smolarek; Lennie
I: Review of Episode 1 Concept Script
June 29th: Zoom 5p-7p CST
Attendees: Denise Smolarek; Lennie
I: Review of Episode 1 Concept Script
A: SOSN Hybrid Concept
i: Benefits; Challenges; Viability of format implementation; Approach to directing in hybrid format; Why Hybrid format?; How does the Hybrid format work?; Why present SOSN in Hybrid format?; Hybrid format applied to both pilot & successive episodes; Importance/Significance/Necessity of Hybrid format? New/Distinct?; Must Hybrid format be employed for newness?For differentiation?; How will Hybrid format improve the story-telling and engage viewers better?
II: Discussion of Sven Brogen as Potential Gaffer
III: Work to begin on re-edit of 30-second Concept Teaser for Funding Pitch
July 6th: Zoom 5p-7p CST
Attendees: Denise Smolarek; Lennie
I: Discussion of SOSN 30-second Concept Teaser for funding pitch deck
II: Discussion of Potential Line Producer & potential line production team
III: Discussion of potential SOSN lead actor for character of "Emily". Current top choice: Vivian Lee (https://www.instagram.com/vivianleechicago/?fbclid=IwAR1XwWhzhCz0Ms9SYXYa6yZqoqxRvRPX5WCsXifKGTS9aYLC5R61I0hI0vE)
IV: General SOSN & 6D matters
July 20th Zoom Meet 5p-7p CST
Attendees: Denise Smolarek; Lennie
July 26th Zoom Meet 6p-7p CST
Topic: Line Production
Attendees: Denise Smolarek; Lennie;
July 27th Zoom Meet 5p-7p CST
Attendees: Denise Smolarek; Lennie;
I: Discussion of Line Production
II: SOSN Concept Teaser.
III: General SOSN & 6D matters
August 27th Zoom Meet 5p-7p CST
Attendees: Denise Smolarek; Lennie;
August 31st Zoom Meet 5p-530p CST
Attendees: Denise Smolarek; Lennie; Kate Shubert; Vivian Lee
I: Emily & Louise Audition
August 31st Zoom Meet 530p-7p CST
Attendees: Denise Smolarek; Lennie; Kate Shubert; Keith Dunford
Interview of Line Producers
2: Next Zoom Discussion - Sept 7
Sept 7
3: Agenda/Timeline Forward
Sept 7
​4: C&C - Productions
a: Love & Family: Biological, Adoptive, “Friend” Families, Etc.
b:Human Variety & Interfaces
c:Value of (Some)things Old & New
d: Dating & Marriage
e: Flaws & Redemption
f: Chicago > Global
5: 6D Brand
6: Production/Operations Notes
I. Cast/Casting Director – Cast Scheduling (Table Reads, Rehearsals, Filming; Travel;
Wardrobe – HAMU (Hair & Make-Up) Tests/Fittings
II: Crew: Invite Sven Brogen/Worked on SOSN 4C Promo
III: Cast & Crew Sources
A: Backstage https://www.backstage.com/
B: Production Hub
C: Mandy
D: 4C
E: Personal Networks
IV: Pre-Production
A: Location Scouts
B: Actors
i: Search & Outreach
ii: Auditions
iii: Scripts/Sides/Call Sheets
iv: Zoom Calls/Table Reads
v: Rehearsals
vi: Wardrobe Fittings/Dress Rehearsals
vii: Travel-Transportation/Accommodation/Accessibility/Craft Arrangements
viii: HAMU/Wardrobe - Filming
C: Legal/Permits/Insurance
V: Production Timeline (Organization & Efficiency)
A: Resources
i: StudioBinder
B: B-Roll
VI: Locations
A: Chicago/Other Cities/Areas
B: Navy Pier Alternatives
i: DuPage County/Fox River [with establishing shots at Navy Pier]
ii: Lincoln Park
iii: Washington Park
iv: Grant Park
v: Other
C: Emily & Johann’s Apartment
D: Emily’s Former Corporate Office
i: Aon Center (Potential for Long-Term future filming arrangements)
E: Chicago Pubs/Bars
F: Owners: Discuss 6D Brand & Pros of Collaborating with Us
i: Pitch Meeting (PPT)
ii: Location: Tourist attraction; Meet & greet events
VII: Craft Services
A: Potential Business/Funding Relationships
B: Allergies/On-Site RN?
C: *Baked Goods/Sweets/Chocolates
i: On-Site Filming Craft Tables
ii: Meet & Greet Events
iii: In-Person Investor Meetings
iv: In-Person Executive Meetings (Globally)
7: Finance/Technology Notes
I: Funding Source(s)
A: Brand Integration/Innovative Approaches
B: Debt Financing
C: Equity Financing - Film/Industry Competent Investors
D: High Net Worth Individuals
8: 6D Community Initiatives
A: Community Support & Engagement Opportunities
B: Paying It Forward Initiatives